Juniors Rowing
If you are looking for information about rowing for youth between the ages of 13 and 18 in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA), then you have found it!
Generally anyone from the eighth grade and up can tryout. Occasionally we will accept an above average seventh grader on the team; however, they need to be characteristically more mature than other students in their peer group.
At any time during the year, you may contact us ahead of time to watch a practice or talk with the coaches. If you want to see the sport up close, this is a great opportunity to ride with a coach in a motor boat. There are five opportunities to experience rowing, tryout for the team, and join a squad during each calendar year.
1. November Tryouts
2. January Tryouts
3. Summer Tryouts
4. Fall Tryouts
5. Walk Ons
With the exception of the summer season, practice is Monday - Friday 430-6:00pm and Saturday 8-10 AM. Any changes to the practice schedule will be sent out by the coach.
Our junior team members compete in similar races to our competitive group. During the spring and summer season they race the Olympic distance of 2000m and during the Fall they participate in Head racing. Juniors that qualify at the highest level will get to compete in both national and international regattas.
For more information, e-mail us at augustarows@gmail.com