The Intro to the Coach's Corner!
Hello and Welcome to the Augusta Rowing Club Coaches corner!

This part of the website will be designated to my thoughts. These thoughts should challenge you, they should encourage you, and serve as a guide to how things should be done here at the Augusta Rowing Club. These thoughts probably kept me out of the really good schools and sent me on a career path to coaching. My thoughts are my own and while they should serve as a guide to making you a better rower and hopefully a better person, they are in no way intended to be harmful or hurtful towards anyone. My job and my hope is to challenge your current way of thinking in order to help you grow. Whether it’s the simple act of putting oars away correctly on the rack or how you carry a boat, all the way up to the more complex theories of body preparation and blade entry into the water or even training principals my goal is to challenge you and help you think.
I will learn more from each of you than you will ever learn from me. Not because I don’t have a great deal to teach, but because I love learning. The more I can learn, the more I can teach and share. There should be a new post here at least once per week, but there could be days where several new posts happen in the same day. I hope they will one day be archived and we can turn them into some type of “how to” book. In the meantime, I hope you will check back frequently and read the posts so you can keep up with the club happenings. I teach with stories and I teach with humor. I try to get you to laugh at yourself and forgive yourself for your mistakes. Something that seems terribly embarrassing will likely become one of your favorite stories to tell down the road. If you’re going to laugh later, then why wait?
Tim Grupp is doing this club a wonderful service by upgrading our website and streamlining some of our more frustrating problems of the past. I will be forever in his debt as will every member of this club moving forward. I hope you enjoy all of the hard work he has put into this site and that we can have some fun together growing this club towards a very bright future.